Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Primary Source Table: Civilian Deaths in Germany

This table reveals the effect of the deterioration of German civilians' diets, and also the effect of fuel shortages, which left Germans cold, as well as hungry.
Source: Bessel, R., Germany After the First World War. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1993. P. 38.

Primay Source: Average Food Prices in Germany from 1913 - 1919

Source: Bessel, R., Germany After the First World War. Clarnedon Press, Oxford. 1993. P. 32.

Primary Source Document: Unemployment In German trade unions from 1913 - 1918

This table reveals how before the First World War, there was very little unemployment among trade union members in Germany, and although this generally decreased during the war, by 1918, the levels of unemployment were extremely low in Germany.
However, historians must be aware that this table shows only those members of trade unions in Germany, and not the whole working population.
Source: Bessel, R., Germany After the First World War. Clarnedon Press, Oxford. 1993. P. 11.

Wednesday 21 April Log Entry

Sace Curriculum Statement: Option 5: War and Society

"To evaluate the causes of war, or the course of war, or the impact of war on the lives of individuals and their communities".

Possible Essay Questions:
1. To what extent was Germany successful in adapting to the needs of total war, and sustaining its involvement in the First World War?

2. How did the First World War have an affect on the Home Front of Germany, and to what extent was it caused by adapting to the needs of total war?

3. "Between 1914 and 1918, in economics, science, politics, and culture, traditional structures were transformed or destroyed, [and] models of a new social order were introduced".

To what extent does this statement accurately reflect Germany during the First World War, and what consequences did the German Home Front face due to its involvement in total warfare?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Went again to the Barr Smith library to hire some books about Germany and the First World War.



  • Tyarnor, J. Mastering Modern German History. Palgrave MacMillan, New York. 2008.

This book discusses the Home Front (page 116) and impact of the war on the German economy, specifically the 'turnip winter' of 1916, as well as how well was the German economy to wage war (page 102).

  • Wolfgang, J. M. Imperial Germany 1867 - 1918: Politics, Culture adn Society in an Authoritarian State. Oxford University Press, New York. 1997.

Specifically, this book discusses the social consequences of World War One in Germany (page 217).

Other Books which I found useful;

  • Berghan, V. R. Imperial Germany 1871 - 1918. Economy, Society, Culture and Politics. Bergahn Books, New York. 2005.
  • Ziemann, B. War Experiences in Rural Germany 1914 - 1923. Berg Publishing, Oxford. 2007.
  • Bessel, R. Germany After the First World War. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1993.
  • Chickering, R. The Great War and Urban Life in Germany. Freiburg, 1914 - 1918. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 20007

Recently Added Books

  • Williams, J., The Home Fronts of Britain, France and Germany 1914 - 1918. Constable and Company, London. 1972.
  • Daniel, U., The War Fromt Within. German working-class Women in the First World War. Berg Publishing, Oxford. 1997.
  • Welch, D., Germany, Propaganda and Total War, 1914 - 1918. Athlone Press, London. 2000.
  • Osborne, E. W., Britain's Economic Blockade of Germany 1914 - 1919. Frank Cass, London. 2004.
  • Hughes, M. and Philpott, W. J., The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the First World War. Palgrave MacMillan, New York. 2005.

Internet Sites

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 10 Term 1 - Log Entry

Thinking of changing my essay topic.

I still want to discuss the First World War, but maybe more about how Germany (esentially) sustained WWI from 1914 - 1918, and the effect it had on the German economy.

I know inflation on food rose by like 400% or something crazy like that, but I want to find out how Germany (through industrialisation) basically fought a war against Great Britain, France, USA etc. all on its own!!!